Monthly Archives: June 2013

Paper Challenge Day #28 (or not!) and Green Frogs…

I’ve pretty much fallen down on the job as far as my Paper Challenge goes. Life has gotten away from me again, and my efforts to get into the scary room have met with little success. I THINK about it a lot, I just don’t quite make the transition from thought to action.

It’s not that I don’t have a lot of ideas or interest in doing it, because I do. I just can’t make myself get in there. Part of it is the overwhelming lack of organization (read: MESS!) I need a couple of solid days to basically gut it and start over, but I don’t have that kind of time. Life (the FUN stuff!) keeps me from dedicating a couple of straight days to working on it.

One weekend we were up in Mt. Shasta, moving the last of our stuff out of our old house. Last weekend it was birthday celebrations, this weekend it will going down to L.A. to visit my sister, the weekend after that she’ll be up here with me and we’re going to take a little trip to San Francisco…It’s all good stuff. Stuff I WANT to do. But it keeps me from restoring the order I seem to need in order to get in there to create!

So, my mind is wandering toward my next challenge, and I think I’ve figured out what I want to do.

July is going to be primarily “Green Frog Month.”


You’ve heard the saying “If you eat a green frog the first thing every day, nothing worse can happen the rest of the day…” So, a green frog is my metaphor for not only the unpleasant things I need to do, but things I’m just dragging my feet on. I will be identifying those green frogs laying around the rest of this month, then July will be my month for disposing of them. “Disposing of them” may mean finishing projects, tossing unfinished ones that no longer interest me, making repairs as needed, AND getting that scary room cleaned up at least to the point where it’s usable!

Maybe once the weight of all these frogs are off my back, I’ll be able to get back to producing!



Let’s Talk About Walls

Do you ever surf around the internet and come across something that smacks you upside the head? I do often.

This is my most recent find.



It’s making me wonder yet again if I am building walls that are keeping me from pursuing the things I really want.

I seriously do not understand this. I am settling into the idea that my creativity needs to be something I do to enhance my family’s life/well-being rather than something I do as a business. And it feels pretty good. I am not craving the approval of others that comes from having people plunk down money to own my art. I am watching as my artsy pals struggle with getting their businesses off the ground, and I think from time to time that I am grateful that I am not facing those struggles.

So why is it that when I see things like this, I find myself thrown back into the internal struggle with myself?

No matter how often I tell myself I have made the decision, and I’m going to stick with it, there is still that occasional yearning.  And signs like this bring it on. A part of me says that I shouldn’t give up on something I can’t stop thinking about. The other that I had my shot, it didn’t work out the way I wanted it to, and it’s time to move on.

It’s not making me quite as crazy as usual this time, so maybe in time, the quiet (and sometimes not so quiet) yearning will go away. But I guess I need to be open to the possibility that somehow, some way, some opportunity might appear that makes sense in my world. Maybe things popping up like this are just little reminders to stay open to that possibility.

I think I may be okay with that. Nothing needs to be carved in stone. I don’t need to swear to myself I will NEVER own another creative business. All I need to do is promise myself that if I do, it will not be one that consumes my life. And, I don’t need to be searching for it, just open to the idea should it present itself.

Okay. I think I can live with that.


The Internet, Prayer and Sisterhood = POWER

I was a small part of a very exciting episode of sisterhood – networking – in action today. It speaks to the power of the internet, the power of prayer, and the power of women to make things happen.

As most of you know, I am part of an art group we lovingly call our fly tribe. A group of women originally brought together by our love of art, and our attempts to make a business out of it. But over the past nearly 2 years it has grown into a group who have supported each other through all the things that women experience – divorce, illness, unruly teenagers, death, losses of all kinds, old age, marital problems, and of course the happy times as well. Were it not for the internet, and specifically facebook, we never would have met, let alone developed close relationships.

Well, one of our sisters was in trouble. Without getting into details, she had gotten into a bad relationship, which had turned dangerous, and ultimately found herself (and her dog) with no means of support, and literally days away from being alone and on the street.

She came to the group asking for suggestions. She was without money, or family support, and estranged from all her real world friends since moving away from her longtime home to be with this guy. We’d all been praying for her for weeks, and although we wracked our brains, were at a loss. One of the girls thought she might have a room for her, but it fell through, and we were grasping at straws. The situation was really getting dire. I was afraid we weren’t thinking far enough outside the box and put up a message on my wall asking for suggestions.

Another artist in a different group saw my post and asked for details, which I shared (via message, not on the main post) and she said she had a room available a few states away and would like to offer it to my friend AND her pooch and what worldly possessions she had left.

Within hours, pledges for financial help in getting her from where she is to the state where the room is, were in from the group and a plan made. She’ll be moving the end of the week. It’s not a permanent fix, but it’s a safe place to lay her head while she figures out where to go from here. An amazing blessing.

We are all ecstatic!  What was an almost hopeless situation turned into the beginnings of a new start in life in a very short time, through the power of the internet, prayer and sisterhood.

This story has many lessons in it, not the least of which is that if you need help, you need to ask for it. The worst thing the universe can say is “sorry, can’t help you.” But more likely is that someone, somewhere can help, you just have to find them.

I am so proud of my fly tribe for sticking by our sister, and donating so unselfishly, and extremely grateful for the wonderful, caring, compassionate woman who stepped up when she didn’t need to and saved a fellow woman (and her dog!) from the horrors of living on the street.

As I close my eyes tonight, I’ll be offering up a little prayer of thanksgiving. He was with us today, putting the right people in the right places at the right time to make this happen. I am just sure of it.

It’s been a tiring, but extremely uplifting day, and I just wanted to share it with you.






Paper Challenge Day #25 – Stampington

I put myself on Stampington restriction awhile back.

Stampington. Just in case you aren’t familiar with the name, it is an umbrella company for over a dozen magazines that cover everything artistic. Art Journaling, Scrapbooking, Doll Making, Altered Clothing, Apron Making, Mixed Media, Parties, Artful Blogging, Purses, Green Crafts, Primitives, Creative Workspaces, Cooking, Holidays – the list goes on and on.

These are not normal, everyday magazines. They are practically works of art on their own. The pages are thick, and full of the most luscious photographs. And they are incredibly addictive. Once you have them, they are nearly impossible to let go of. Cutting them up would be practically sacrilegious. And they are not cheap. But then, you get what you pay for, I guess.

The point is, with so many to choose from, and how expensive they are, and you have to have a means of storing them, I really have to prioritize. I can’t have every single one. No matter how much I want to.

But I was on restriction, so how can I now be the proud owner of 6 more issues. How did THAT happen?


I went into Barnes and Noble to buy ONE issue. And I have a really good excuse. One of my artsy girlies (Lindsay Ostrom) has a 7 page layout in in Art Journals. So I really HAD to have it.


The other 5? I just couldn’t help myself. Once you’ve seen them, you’ll understand.

I want so badly to say I’m ashamed of myself, but I am woefully unrepentant. And SOOOOOOOOO looking forward to hours of joyous submersion in all things Stampington…

Paper Challenge Day #24 – Scrapbooking and Washi!

Busy family day, but I found time to work on a project this evening!

I did a post a few days ago titled “61 Random Things I Love At 61” and I’m taking those words and doing a scrapbook layout for my birthday.

I haven’t decided on the pictures I’ll be using yet, but I got the title and the “61 things” laid out.


When I get going on a page like this, I have so much fun it makes me wonder why I have such a hard time getting up for working on my scrapbooks!

ESPECIALLY when I have new toys to play with.

A few days ago my friend Lori, fellow mixed media artist, was raving about a wonderful place she’d found to order washi tape. Have you heard of it? I’ve worked with paper ribbon before, but not washi, which is kind of an upscale paper ribbon. The designs are classier, and the washi tape is a little easier to work with.

ANYWAY, I TRIED to resist, I really did. I have SO many supplies I need to use up. But, I made the mistake of going to the Etsy store she ordered from just to “look.” Yeah, right! As I was “looking” a bunch of rolls jumped into my cart. What’s a girl to do? Once they were there I felt obligated to complete the purchase. Oh, they are soooooo yummy.


Now I just have to figure out what the best use is for my little treasures.


Paper Challenge Day #23 -I Can Read!

I kinda got side-tracked from my paper projects with my birthday posts, so I’m thinking I need to get back to it.

I worked on several things today.

First, I got out the “cinch” machine I bought a few months ago, and put away without using it. I played around and taught myself to use it, ultimately punching all the pages for my Radical Wellness class in preparation for binding them when I’m done.

It’s a pretty cool little machine. It punches the holes, then cinches down the spiral wire to make a book.


Last week I got the 2 little ones going on their “learn to read” books. I did one for Hannah when I was teaching her to read, and Bea and Josh want their own, which just tickles me. I waited until Hannah had a lot of words learned before coming up with the idea.



The little ones are working on their flash cards for the “dolce” sight words.


Then as they learn them, I do a little few word page for them using the words, and they illustrate them. I’m starting earlier – with just a few words under their belts, so the stories will be simpler to begin with. Today I got the holes punched on their completed pages, and got the books started. The covers still need some decoration and to be laminated.




Neither one of them could wait to show their parents that they could actually READ a little story!

Age Gracefully? I Think Not.

I considered it, as I sat around in my recliner recovering from my numerous ailments that were seemingly conspiring to make me an old lady before my time. But I don’t think it’s for me.

I see these perfectly coiffed, elegantly dressed elderly ladies from time to time, and wonder what it would be like to be like that. Then I laugh. It’s so not me. I’ve never been perfectly coiffed or elegant a day in my life, and I see no reason to start now.

Nor am I going to dawn a housecoat or hide out in a mumu or cut my hair short and let it go gray or hang out at the senior center and play bingo.

I’ve already embraced skinny jeans, now I’ve gotten my first short-ish flouncy skirt that I’m wearing with either cute sandals or sassy cowgirl boots! I’m loving’ it. Yeah, my legs could stand to be a little thinner (as could the rest of me!) but ya know what? I’m not getting any younger – and I’m not waiting any longer. I want to wear cute clothes, and I’m going to do it. I’m through worrying about whether or not “people” think my choices are age appropriate or not.


Coincidentally, as a part of the Radical Wellness class I’m taking, our fearless leader suggested that one of the things we really need to consider doing as we’re working our way through the class, is to start “dressing up” and it resonated with me. So, as I’m thinking about getting on with dressing to please myself, it comes up in my class…I love it when validation like that pops up!

But this goes beyond just dressing up. It’s an attitude.

I’m not going to allow myself to curl up and get old. I’m going to continue to think young and act young – I’m going to squeeze as much outta this life as I possibly can, and I’m not going to do it from a recliner. I may have to succumb to old age some day, but I’ll be goin’ down kicking and screaming.

She says bravely! Yowza!

Paper Challenge Day #21 – Happy Birthday To Me!

Remember when I shared with you the the book I had made of the first year of my blog? Well, I was so thrilled with it, I planned to go ahead and do the whole thing, but it’s a little expensive, so I was going to hold off for awhile.

Then a 20% off coupon showed up in my in-box, so I decided to go ahead with doing 2012, which, because I blog so often, needed to be done in two books. The coupon allowed me to get a savings of $40+.

Well, they arrived today! And I just love, love, love them.


I was able to make some changes on the format, all small, but they all improved the finished product. I’m now just a few days away from  having the first book of 2013 ready to go, and I’m hoping I see another coupon!

I’m starting a whole library!


Just in case you’re considering doing books for your blog, the company I used was Blog2print, and you can find them at

I have to tell you, I crack myself up. I am not normally good at tooting my own horn, but I enjoy reading my own writing, and seeing my blog in print and reading it in book form has been a blast. I can only imagine what it must be like to be an actual published author and see your book in print!


Well, today is the day. I am now 61 years young. Who am I fooling?  Old. Good Lord. When did this happen? I swear I have to laugh. I am now 4 years away from getting medicare and it just doesn’t feel real. How can it be possible that I can be this age already? I’m afraid I’m never going to be one of those people who embrace every wrinkle and gray hair. I am not happy about being old. But, I guess it beats the alternative!

AND, because it’ my birthday, I get to chose the restaurant, so we’re going back to Johnny Garlic’s. I can already taste the pesto pasta, the fried artichokes and citrus margaritas. Is it worth having to be another year older? Probably not, but it softens the blow! Ha!

61 Lessons Learned in 61 Years

A friend of mine who recently celebrated her birthday did a blog post of 38 things she’s learned in 38 years. I’m sure I must have learned at least 61 things, so I’m going to give a whirl as concisely as possible, so as not to be TOO wordy (there’s a big difference between 38 and 61!!!) But just in case, you might want to snuggle in with a cup of coffee! Now, please remember, these are MY lessons, and in no way do I expect you to embrace them. Or, as Mr. Tattered would say, your mileage may vary.

1. Old age is not for sissies (my new mantra – you’ve heard it here before, you’ll hear it again!)

2. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Of, course, most of it is small stuff. So I try not to sweat. Unless I’m exercising, then it is advisable or I’m wasting my time.

3. Speaking of wasting time, I try not to waste my time being mad at my spouse. I get mad if I need to, but get over it fast. If I don’t, I’m burning daylight, or moonlight. We don’t get enough of either even in the longest of lifetimes to waste it being angry.

4. We survived our parents, our kids will survive us. We take too much credit for them turning out good, and too much blame when they don’t. I did the best I could, and when I knew better, I did better. Most of it is up to them anyway. You know, you can lead a horse to water…Each of these critters are different, and they don’t come with instructions.

5. Keep at least a tiny part of your life for yourself. It’s important to be a good spouse, and a good worker, and a good parent, but you need to keep a space to be a good you.

6. Don’t depend on anyone but yourself for your happiness. If you do, they can take it away from you. Learn to recognize what makes you happy, and do it as often as possible.

7. We don’t raise children, we raise adults (Courtesy of Dr. Phil) so you’d best teach them what they need to know to excel out there in the world. But remember, you can provide the info, the roadmap – they have to choose to live  it. Once they reach adulthood, it’s on them if they choose not to do what you taught them.

8. Habits are hard to break. Try to form good ones from the beginning.

9. Never stop learning. New technology, new words, new games…it all aids in keeping your brain working properly.

10. Stay active. The more time you spend on your backside, the more you’ll want to be there. Given enough time sitting, you’ll never leave your recliner.

11. Don’t live in a bubble. There are lots of wonderful ideas out there. If you surround yourself only with people who see the world exactly as you do, you’ll never hear them.

12. Eat to live. DON’T live to eat. Unless you are one of those disgusting people who can eat whatever they want without gaining an ounce, it is imperative that you have a healthy relationship with food. The older you get, the harder it is to get the weight off, let alone keep it off.

13. Try not to judge others. You never know if the crabby cashier at the bank is just crabby, or she just found a lump in her breast, has no insurance and is both pissed and scared to death.

14. The greatest happiness is found in being of service to others. Make it a priority in your life and it will be hard to be miserable.

15. Be on the lookout for the “broken windows” in your life. There is a theory that when broken windows are tolerated in a neighborhood, the neighborhood will go downhill. The same is true with our own lives. Tolerating unmade beds, messy closets, and dirty toilets, pave the way for the whole house, even your whole life to be a wreck.

16. Be in the present as much as possible. If you live in the past, you invite depression. If you live in the future, you’re courting anxiety. Joy is found in appreciating the present moment.

17. Spanking your children, even yelling at them, is an admission they’ve gotten the best of you. All children have currency. Figure out what it is, and use it to your advantage. Anger and violence do not promote the growth of healthy people. I wish I had known this when my kids were young. My biggest regret is that I spanked them.

18. Balance is hard to find in every day. When passion takes you in a direction, go for it. You can balance it out tomorrow, or next week, or even next month.

19. Don’t compare yourself to others. If you find yourself better, you’ll become vain. If you find yourself lacking, you’ll be depressed. Just be the best you you can be.

20. Marriage works better if you go into it with eyes wide open, then spend the rest of your life with them half closed.


21. Time flies whether you’re having fun or not, so have fun. Lots of it. Turn anything you don’t like to do into a game, or share the load – do whatever you need to do to make it fun.

22. Being smart is not a bad thing.

23. Learn to accept that what is, is. There are some things that just cannot be changed. So if you can’t change it, and you can’t accept it, change how you THINK about it.

24. Attitude is the only thing in this world we have complete control over. You can’t always control what happens to you, but you CAN control how you react to it.

25. Surround yourself with beauty as often as possible, even if it is only a single flower now and then, or a picture in a discarded magazine.


26. A few really good friends is better than scads of close acquaintances. Friends will be with you for life. Close acquaintances will ditch you when the going gets tough.

27. It’s just as easy to believe in a Heavenly Being that created the world and everything in it as it is to believe this is all just some random happenstance. However, the consequences for believing one way or the other are vastly different.

28. The older I get, the more I feel like me. We spend too much time when we are younger, worrying about what other people think. Aging provides us with the cover to be ourselves. I think we should do it sooner. Another Dr. Phil-ism – You’d care less about what people think about you, if you knew how infrequently they do. Just be yourself. Unless yourself wants to run through the streets naked. That’s probably not a good idea. Fun, maybe, but it could scar people. Forever.


29. We have an obligation to all of humanity to protect the planet. We cannot continue to abuse it and expect it to recover from our exploitation.

30. Nice matters.

31. I’ve tried with all my might to embrace the thought that “stuff” doesn’t matter. But I like my stuff. Someday I might not. But right now I do. So although there is something to be said about living an uncluttered life, it’s not my cup of tea. Or coffee.

32. Happy kids are more important than a spotless house. I like the saying “my house is clean enough to be healthy, but messy enough to be happy.”  You can have a spotless house when they’re gone. If you want one. Or if you can afford a maid.

33. There are only so many hours in a day. You really have to prioritize. Getting the mortgage payment in the mailbox before the mailman comes  is more important than playing with the kids. If you don’t, you may not have a house to play in. Making the bed every single day – not so much.

34. Having pancakes for dinner every now and then won’t kill anyone, and it may be one of your kid’s favorite memories when they grow up.

35. Often times you can be right or you can be happy. Happy is better, ALMOST always.

36. Marriage is hard. When I was young I thought when you got to a certain point, you could relax and assume you’d be together forever. It’s not true. It is something you have to work at every day. Forever. But the rewards of being able to share a lifetime of memories is worth every drop of the blood, sweat and tears.

37. You can forgive almost ANYTHING if you work at it and want to badly enough. I say almost because I haven’t had to live through every bad thing there is to live through, but I’ve lived through a lot, and forgiven a lot, so I know it is doable.

38. Grandchildren are way more fun than your own kids. Trust me on this. By the time grandkids come along you’ve made most of the big mistakes and learned from them. You are more patient, have a better feel for what battles are worth fighting and which aren’t, and a greater ability to nurture who they are, rather than who you want them to be. I highly recommend it. But then we don’t get to choose if we get some or not. If you don’t, “adopt” someone elses kids. The older you get, the more you appreciate seeing the world through a child’s eyes.

39. The world won’t end if you stay in your pajamas all day once in awhile.

40. Homegrown veggies taste so much better than store bought, it’s like they are a totally different thing. Find a way to have at least a tiny garden if you can!

41. If you don’t have a servant’s heart, try to develop one. Seriously. Waiting on others is far more rewarding than being waited on. Although it is nice once in awhile.

42. Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. I’ve heard this is true, but, really, it’s been so long since I was thin, I’ve almost forgotten how it feels. Don’t let yourself get fat and you won’t have to find out. One of my biggest regrets is that I let the pounds pile up. If you are young and overweight, get it off now. It only gets harder the longer you wait. You truly need to love yourself in spite of your weight, and being judged for it really sucks, but it isn’t about how you look, I promise you. Our bodies were designed to carry a certain poundage – exceed that and you WILL have skeletal issues at some point, and they aren’t fun.

43. Try to live your life with as few regrets as possible. No matter how hard you try, you will have some, but the fewer the better.

44. It takes a village. Really. Most of us are not designed to live a solitary life. We are pack animals. This world throws a lot of crap at you, and it is easier to bear if you have someone or someones to help you through it. We NEED to pool our resources. I know socialism is a dirty word, but I like the idea of safety nets and doing what’s best for the whole. Anything else seems selfish to me.

45. There is nothing wrong with improving yourself. But at some point, you really need to slow down and enjoy the you you are. Or at least take a break from the constant attempts at bettering yourself. I haven’t figured out yet when enough is enough, but I’m hoping it’s soon. There’s a contradiction in there somewhere, but it just gets to be too much sometimes, never being satisfied that you’re “good enough.”

46. Be kind to yourself. This is an on-going lesson for me. I am my own worst critic and much harder on myself than I would EVER be on anyone else, and I need to extend the same grace to myself that I extend to others.

47. Speaking of grace. It is the most amazing thing. Thank God we don’t always get what we deserve. There is a saying that children need love most when they deserve it least, and I think it is true of all of us. I don’t think we can love too much, or forgive too much. I believe in redemption. I believe in the God of second chances (and third and fourth and fifth…) and I’m trying very hard to give the grace I hope to receive. I think I’m good at it most of the time.

48. You need to learn when to let go. You can’t make people like you, you can’t make them stay if they want to leave. I am coming to accept that not everyone you love will be there forever. They may have come into your life to teach you a lesson, or for you to teach them one. If people WANT to be in your life, they will find a way to be there. They will forgive you for whatever the rotten thing was that you did. If they don’t, you have to let go. You can’t keep beating yourself up. Well, you can I guess. But it’s not good. I’m still working on this one, too.

49. We have a lot to learn from dogs. Really. That is a whole post in itself. But I love the prayer “please help me to be the person my dog thinks I am.” Unconditional love. Important stuff.

50. Naps are highly underrated.

51. Too much of a good thing can be wonderful. Once in awhile. You wouldn’t want to live like that all the time.

52. Money is not the the root of all evil. LACK of it is. Or maybe the love of it is. Having money may not make you happy, but it can sure smooth off the rough edges of life. I’ve lived without enough, and with enough, and I can tell you, enough is better. Maybe knowing when you have ENOUGH is the key. Live frugally and save for the future. It is really worth it. Unless you die young, I guess. Then you could be pretty pissed. But then, I choose to believe that when I’m gone, I’ll be off to a better life, so who cares that I didn’t buy that red Ferrari?

53. If you lived every day like it’s your last, you’d never get anything done. But you need to love everyone like it is. Never miss an opportunity to let the people you love know how much. I don’t remember my mom ever telling me she loved me until I was well into my 30s. I remember it to this day. We were on the phone. And when we got off, I cried. Not for joy, but for how much I had missed having her say those words to me for all those years. How sad is that? My children and grandchildren will NEVER remember the day I first told them I love them. It is as much a part of their daily lives as the air they breathe. As it should be.

54. “If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.” ” Shoot for the moon, if you miss, you’ll land amongst the stars.” “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll never get anything different than what you have.” “If you don’t ask, the answer will always be no.” All good sayings, and all true. Identify what you really, really want out of life and go for it, regardless of whether you think you can do it, or have it, or accomplish it, or deserve it. If you don’t try, it is a sure thing you won’t. If you do, you might. You may not get your dream, no matter how hard you try. But if you don’t a new one will take its place. Maybe even a better one.

55. If you didn’t get the family you wanted, make your own. It isn’t blood that makes a family, it’s love.

56. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. Skip rope, swim naked, ride a bike, play jacks, lay in the grass and find animals in the clouds, pick flowers, dream about what you want to be when you grow up – parent yourself if you need to.

57. The greatest gift you can give your children is to love their other parent. Think about this one. Seriously.

58. Know where your happy place is and go there often, even if it is only in your mind.


59. You can only make a mistake once. The second time it is a choice. Yowza!

60. Worrying about something you have no control over is a total waste of time and effort. If you can control it, do what you need to do. If you can’t, let it go. It’ll be okay in the end. If it isn’t okay, it isn’t the end yet. (I stole that from someone, but I don’t remember who.)

61. I’ve done life without God, and I’ve done it with Him. For me, it’s better with.

I’m sure there are many, many more, but those are off the top of my head, and in no particular order of importance. Random, kinda like me. Hope some of them resonated with you, or at least made you think. I am so far from being a perfect person, and no matter how hard I try, I will never be one. I am a work in progress. God will keep working on me until He takes me home, and THEN He will restore me to perfection.

Care to share a life lesson YOU’VE learned?

61 Random Things I Love at 61

As part of my Birthday Week Celebration, I’d like to share with you my list of “61 Random Things I Love At 61.”

I try to do this every year as an update of my current loves, in random order…enjoy! It’s fun to look back on over the years, just to see how much my world changes from year to year.

1. Red shoes


2. Maui Sunsets

3. Gardening, flowers, bushes, moss (one of my stranger loves…)

4. My Faith

5. Gypsy jewelry

6. Country Music (red, red, red, red, red, red ,red, red, redneck…)

7. Cowgirl boots

8. Line dancing (sensing a country theme here, huh?)

9. Flouncy skirts

10. Kale chips

11. Hearts – man made and found in nature!

12. Chickens/roosters

13. Country Christmas ornaments

14. Grandchildren

15. Skinny jeans

16. Desserts – Pumpkin Pecan Cheesecake, Jamoca Almond Fudge Ice Cream,

17. Bobby’s margaritas, coffee

18. Ernesto’s enchilada suissas

19. the UK, especially Scotland

20. Facebook

21. My fly tribe

22. Making jewelry


23. Photography

24. My authors – Robert K. Tannenbaum, John Sanford, Greg Isles, Ridley Pearson, Patricia Cromwell, Nora Roberts, Sidney Sheldon

25.  Traveling

26. Rusty stuff (almost anything!)

27. Picture frames

28. All things Apple – McIntosh Air lap top, iphone

29. Scrapbooking/scrapbooking supplies, tools, embellishments

30. Millenium Restaurant in San Francisco

31. Humpback whales

32. If I HAVE to exercise, a versa climber

33. Table place settings – dishes, flatware, placemats, napkins, napkin rings

34. Living in Folsom

35. Mani/pedis w/ parafin dipped feet

36. Stampington Magazines

37. My shows – Downton Abbey, Law and Order, Nashville, The Good Wife, White Collar, Suits, Castle, Smash, Days, General Hospital, Major Crimes, Criminal Minds, Mr. Selfridge

38. Memories of My Favorite Things

39. My blog/blog books


40. Cheesecake Factory Avocado egg rolls

41. Toe rings

42. Vanilla Chai Tea Lotion

43. Anthropology

44. Betsey Johnson clothes/jewelry

45. “F” monograms

46. Kitchen serving pieces

47. iphoto

48. garden decorations

49. Plantation shutters

50. Talking Points Memo

51. Rubber stamps

52. Antique bottles

53. Angels

54. Yellowstone


55. Animals (all!)

56. Shabby country decorating

57. My “pillow!”

58. President Obama

59. My kitchen aid mixer

60. Being a “kept” woman

61. Mixed Media Art