Scared To Share…

I don’t know why. It’s not like you can hit me or anything.

But, I know my “follow through” track record is abysmal, so I almost hate to confess when I’m about to bite off more than I can chew and I know it going in.

What the heck? My mother always said you can be a good example or a cautionary tale. I’m good at being a cautionary tale.

So. I’ve been wanting to get into journaling every day. I just can’t seem to make the commitment. I use excuses like not being able to find a format I like, or, giving into the fear of my anal-ness that makes me give up if it doesn’t look as good as I want it to. And then there’s the “I can’t do it starting mid-year” thing (yes, that’s a thing in tattered world…)

Well, I found a journal I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Yes, it’s that cool.

And I bought enough of them to do the whole year – one page per day for 2 months each. Well, I bought enough to do 6 months, then ordered enough for the other 6 months. What the photo doesn’t show is that this is a 12 x 12 format, so a cross between a journal and a scrapbook page. Don’t you just LOVE the base paper? It is a great beginning, and I can get as creative with it as I want!

And then I have at LEAST a ton of stamps and washi tape and other fun embellishments to use in it.

And trust me on this…this is but the tip of the iceberg as far as the “goodies” go.

One of the things that most appeals to me about this whole project is that it provides a format for an overview of the year, since it’s pretty obvious I am not going to be scrapbooking as much of the year as I’d like. PLUS, it’s a place to showcase any projects like the “index card a day” challenge that I have signed up for but haven’t done a single card for. So IF I do it, they’ll go in here, too. Hmmm.

Now here’s the gotcha. That means I have to go back 5+ months and reconstruct. It’s doable. I have a lot of stuff on the calendar and pictures on the iPhone to refresh my memory.

I know. I’ve lost my mind, which is why I was concerned about telling y’all what I’ve done. Even I can’t believe it. But maybe because I’m expecting an epic fail, I’ll surprise myself.

Hey! Quit laughing! It could happen!

I’ve gone back and forth with myself over this. The time could be better spent on any number of things I’m already not making time for. Knitting those 12 scarves I want to have ready for homeless people by December, for instance. Or the beaded bracelet I started. Or catching up on an impossible amount of photos I want to scrapbook. Lord, when I write it all down, it seems even crazier.

But then I think about being on level 486 on toy blast and know that it’s not lack of time, but lack of dedication. If you are what you do, I’m apparently a toy blaster. In my heart of hearts, that’s not what I WANT to be (I don’t think) but the level # tells a much different story.

So what’s it going to be, self? A toy blaster or a memory keeper/story teller?

Well, time will tell. And in the meantime, It will give you something to giggle about.



About tatterednworn

I am a woman who has committed to living a creative life.

2 responses »

  1. I have seen this cautionary tale in the past, but I am here rooting for you. I think if you really set your mind to it, you WILL do it. At least until you get bored and want to move on to bigger things. Here’s to do it for the past five months, at least.


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