Um, SWINGING? Maybe Not So Much

Well, I THOUGHT I’d be getting back into the swing of things, but it’s more like…maybe a slow shuffle?

I don’t know if I am suffering from overwhelm or just being lethargic, but I’m having a hard time even picking up the club, let alone swinging it!

The good news is I went to my art group and got paint on my hands (okay, maybe not HANDS, but at least a finger or two!)


But what a dork!

I actually put a lot of thought into what I would take to work on. Since I’d packed the stuff I needed to work on my art journal while we were on vacation (and never even got it out!) that was a natural place to start. Then at the last minute I threw in my gelli plate and some paper and my bag of paint goodies just in case I got the urge to paint.

Well, thank goodness. Because after all that, I forgot the journal.

So, plan B was to play with the gelli plate again. Not a bad way to spend a morning!



Now I’m obsessed again. Rut roh…


About tatterednworn

I am a woman who has committed to living a creative life.

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