Is It Obsession? Or…

just being really, really focused on what I’m doing and not wanting to stop?

I know I have an an addictive personality, and do the same thing over and over again. But is that really a bad thing? Obsessive is such a negative description of such a fun thing.

Right now my “obsessions” are Suduko and Gelli plate painting (and if I’m being completely accurate, naps and stuffing my face!)

In less than a week I’ve done 52 Soduko puzzles. I just started a new book, so the easy ones came first. I whipped through them, and am now working through the intermediate ones. I can’t put them down. I do “just one more” and I get through it fast and want to beat my last time, so I tell myself “just one more.” You know how that goes!

Well, I guess that’s inaccurate – I CAN put them down, because I’ve done nearly as many gelli prints. So I’m stopping at least long enough to play with my paints!


Seriously, as many as this looks like, it’s not even all of them.

I even had a gelli plate play date (say that 3 times fast!) with a new friend. It was fun to teach her how to use it and watch her giggle with the results, just like I did***do. Pretty sure she’s going to buying one for herself!

I finally made myself clean up the plate and put it away for awhile. I’m out of white ink, and dangerously close to being out of black. So whether I like it or not, I’m going to have to do something else for awhile.

Nah, I can add some hand-painting to the backgrounds, and maybe do a little stamping.

And I could always start making entries in my planner/journal.

Or not. I think I’m stuck again. Maybe I’ll just have lunch again and then take a nap!

About tatterednworn

I am a woman who has committed to living a creative life.

6 responses »

  1. Hello Janet. How nice to “meet” you through Lindsay’s NLWM blog feature. Looks like you are having lots of creative fun. I must get back to my mailings. With this creative bunch it is easy to fall behind very quickly. Creative Bliss…

  2. Kerry Barrasso

    Hi Janet ….Love your blog & the gelli print you sent for NLWM

  3. Hi Janet, just stopping by to check out your blog. I know what you mean about the gelli plate, it is totally addictive. And for me, it’s Freecell on the computer rather than Sudoko, but I know what you’re saying, oh yes! 😉


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