Getting Serious

I have done enough whining and sniveling. It’s time to get serious and put my actions where my mouth is.

SOOOOOOO, I’m putting my plan on paper, and I’m going to start working it. Well, actually, I already have. I mean, started working it, even though it isn’t actually on paper yet.

I got the Halloween decorations up (Woohoo! Completed project!) and in the process, broke a piece, and instead of adding it to the pile, I actually repaired it and put it up. No procrastinating! Yay, me. At this point in time, I need to celebrate small steps forward.

Tomorrow I’ve got a little time before I pick the girls up from school, and I’ll be using it to compile my “To Do” list, or more exactly, my “Unfinished Projects” list. I suspect when I see it in black and white I’ll be temporarily overwhelmed, but sometimes you just need to get it all out in front of you to realize how badly you need to get your act together. Sorta like adding up all your bills before you work out a budget.


So, I’m enjoying my evening tonight (Mr. Tattered and I watched the 1st two episodes of “The Paradise,” and now he’s hooked, too! – That’s twice in three nights for me, and I can still see another round coming up before the next episode on Sunday night!) and tomorrow I’ll be bounding out of bed bright and early ready to conquer the world. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration – it may be more like dragging myself out of bed at the crack of 8:30, injecting coffee directly into my heart and forcing myself to put pen to paper – but it WILL get done.

In spite of how nervous I am at the prospect, I am determined to get myself caught up. And once I make my mind up, I can do almost anything. Time for the stubborn girl to step in and take over. I think I should name her.

Hmmmmm. Any ideas?

About tatterednworn

I am a woman who has committed to living a creative life.

4 responses »

  1. maybe once you actually start working you’ll remember why you loved those projects to begin with?

  2. Don’t forget that mostly the point is to enjoy your life!

    • Yup. So the question is, do I adjust my attitude toward the projects, individually, OR do I convince myself that by getting them done, I’m making my life more enjoyable? Maybe a little of both?


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