Sassy or Functional?

I had a bit of a dilemma today.

I went to the podiatrist to see what could be done about my sore foot. Turns out the bone spur isn’t the problem, it’s just a by-product of the problem. I have “plantar fasciitis,” an irritation of the ligaments that go from the toes to the heel, caused by arches that are falling (Lordy, here we go again with this aging thing!) I’ve had it before, a number of years ago. Cortizone shots in the bottom of the foot give immediate relief, but they have to be repeated periodically (I have a really high tolerance for pain, so they are no big!) Orthodics for my shoes will help, but last time I found that wearing Birkinstocks cleared it up completely.

So. I got the shot for immediate relief, then headed for the mall to get some Birks.

But, I got side-tracked by a gorgeous pair of red cowgirl boots.


OMG! I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted a sassy pair of red cowgirl boots. But I already have 5 pairs of boots (did I say that outloud?) How could I possibly justify another pair, even if they are exactly what I want? And they are manmade materials, not leather? And on sale? And did I mention RED?????


I mean there’s no comparison, right? How can a boring, clunky pair of Birks POSSIBLY compare to a hot, sassy pair of RED cowgirl boots?

Truth is, they can’t. So, I compromised (it’s really not a dirty word!) and bought both. I had to dip into my birthday money a little, but it was SOOOOOO worth it!

Happy is my word for 2013. Red cowgirl boots make me VERY happy. 2013, you are off to a GREAT start!

About tatterednworn

I am a woman who has committed to living a creative life.

12 responses »

  1. It’s all about HAPPY! Life is so for living… I’m glad you got both! Practically and comfort and red cowgirl boots that rock your wild-Soul! Styling! C x

    • I wore the boots out of the store and into the mall, and within 5 minutes a young guy said, “Nice boots! I love a woman with attitude!”

      I’m sure he was thinking “old lady” but it was still fun!


  2. Great solution!!! I love the red boots ♥♥♥

  3. Love those boots!! Woohoo!

  4. I always say life is too short for sensible shoes…

  5. Love the boots! And I have the same problem in my foot!


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