Next up, York, England

After three days in Edinburgh, we took the train down to York. I love York.

It’s a repeat for us, although it’s been many years. The last time we were here it was with our kids and their spouses/significant others back in the “before grandchildren” days – lots of good memories.

We had another three days and needed every one of them. Once again, so much to see, and lots we’d not seen before.


Got time for a quick story?

We’d stopped at Pret for lunch, and before taking off, I went upstairs to use the toilet and struck up a conversation with a young woman in line. Just light conversation – I don’t even remember what we talked about, but she was nice.

Fast forward an hour, and I found myself out and about alone, wandering the streets.

I had seen signs saying “no busking.” I had no idea what busking was, so I asked, and was told that buskers are the street performers found all over town. They add so much to the atmosphere.


So, I’m walking around, and I hear the most angelic voice singing and headed toward the sound, to find a lovely young woman, named Rebecca Newman. She’d just finished one song and was about to do her last and asked the crowd which they’d prefer, one from her new album, or “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Miserables. The lady next to me and I clapped loudly for I Dreamed a Dream and that’s what she opted to sing.

It was so beautiful I actually got misty eyes…

When she was done, I purchased a couple of her CDs which she offered to autograph, and I accepted. She looked up with a puzzled look on her face, then said, “Oh, wait! Didn’t we meet in the toilet at Pret?” We both laughed out loud. I hadn’t recognized her! So my potty friend turns out to be “The People’s Soprano,” a platinum English recording artist who began as a busker, and returns to her roots as she can to thank her fans!


How’s THAT for a story!?

So back to York. It’s a pretty good-sized town. Our last time here, we didn’t see nearly as much as we thought we’d seen. We’d walked the downtown area, but since we didn’t take the Big Bus (I don’t even know if there WAS one back then!) There was much we missed.

Even this time we didn’t see it all. The Viking Museum was closed due to flooding in the early spring, which almost assures that we’ll be going back!

It wasn’t easy to pick which photos to show you! Please enjoy.











































Once again, three days was not enough, but we have to take what we can get! Best to leave wanting more, I suppose!

About tatterednworn

I am a woman who has committed to living a creative life.

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