Yup, I’m painting!

Well, I am proving to myself that I am still capable of getting myself in gear if I want to!

I have 4 Inspiration Decks to do before we leave on our trip in just a few days. And you’re not going to believe this, but I procrastinated on doing them. Okay, so you not only believe it, but you aren’t surprised. I know. Me, too. And it isn’t even that I didn’t want to do them (my usual reason for procrastinating!) I just committed to doing them MONTHS ago, and it seemed so far away, then life got busy, and here we are.

So. Last week I got all 4 decks gessoed and the words printed up and cut out.

Now I have 4 days to get them done. Well. PARTS of 4 days. I still have all my usual stuff to do, too. But I have everything I need for the trip, and I AM practically all packed, so really, I am in good shape time-wise, so I have NEARLY 4 days.

Today I have rocked. I got the base coat of paint onto both sides of all 4 decks. Don’t judge just yet, they are works in progress, and not too exciting at this point. I just thought I’d give you a peek at my process!

I did 2 decks using the gelli plate to do the 1st coat on the back sides. This will be where my blog into will be. The flip side will have the words.




The red ones I just painted solid, scuffed and will add a few accents…


The last set will be very simple, kinda chalk boardy, I think, with some white pen doodling.


I still have LOTS to do, and it’s the finish work that makes them little works of art!

So, stay tuned…

About tatterednworn

I am a woman who has committed to living a creative life.

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