A Pending Creative Bust

Sometimes I go through periods of time when I am so busy I hardly give a thought to the creativity (or lack there of) in my life.

Other times, it is all I think about. Sometimes it’s so bad that my head feels like it will explode I have so many ideas in there.

I had hoped that in working my word this year (organize) I would come up with enough extra time in my life that I could spend much more time in creative mode (and I HAVE made some progress – just not enough!) But here we sit, about to say goodbye to the first month of the new year, and I am not NEARLY where I want to be in my creative pursuits.

I have not even LOOKED at the 1st lesson in Lifebook 2014, let alone the 2nd, 3rd or 4th.

I’ve BARELY checked in with One Little Word.

I at least STARTED the Documented Life Project, but am falling a little further behind every day.

On my behalf, I have joined an art group and participated in 2 get-togethers. I’ve learned to use my gelli plate, and used a couple of the prints to make tip-in pages for my journal. I made Christmas ornaments for my ATC group, and completed my last set of ATCs and began the 2nd set.

So, I guess I’m not a total loser. Heeheehee!

Anyway. The next couple of weeks are going to be pretty much a creative bust, I’m afraid. So much going on. I doubt I’ll even be blogging much (which for me will be sheer hell!) But keep an eye out! I’ll pop in when I can!

About tatterednworn

I am a woman who has committed to living a creative life.

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