A New Word and a New Book


Hmmmm. I like it.

A friend posted about a book she was enjoying on Facebook, and when I checked it out, it was love at first paragraph.

“The Gift of Imperfection: Letting Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to be and Embrace Who You Are (Your Guide to a Wholehearted Life)


Whew! That’s a mouthful!

It was written by Brene Brown. I was first introduced to Brene through my original Flying Lessons business class. She has a unique perspective about the gift of imperfection. But, I was busy at the time I took the class and never followed though with reading her book.

Well, I’m only a chapter into the book, but the concept is speaking to me.

For too long I’ve been letting my imperfections define me. Even though I know intellectually that our imperfections are only a part of us (and sometimes just a small part) I’ve let them have way too much say about how I feel about myself.

I find it interesting that last night’s post is sort of intertwined with this one. And I don’t really know where the book is going or how it will make a difference in my life, but I’m excited to see if this is finally what it will take for me to forgive myself for all my perceived shortcomings and get on with making the rest of my life the very very best it can be!  And the idea of incorporating “wholeheartedness?” Priceless.

About tatterednworn

I am a woman who has committed to living a creative life.

4 responses »

  1. I LOVE this book, re-read it often and find something fresh there every time!


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