Living Other People’s Lives/Special Necklace

Have you ever wondered why it is so much easier to orchestrate other people’s lives than it is to clean up your own?

I do. Often.

I am big at giving advice, but don’t seem to be able to apply the same wisdom to my own life.

I have friends who are pursuing creative businesses, and I can easily see exactly what they need to do, but I can’t seem to get it together for myself.

I have both friends and family struggling to find direction in their lives and I’m all full of suggestions, but do it for myself? Much more difficult.

Same with health related issues. I can cite chapter and verse of the “right” thing to do. But do it myself? HA!

There must be a term for that, and I suspect it isn’t very flattering. Yet another of those things I need to work on. Lord the list is getting long. I know I am a work in progress, and I suppose it the way of the world that you never actually “arrive” at where you want to be. Though it sure would be nice to check a few things off the list instead of just continually adding to it!

Is your list of self improvement projects getting any shorter? Do you even HAVE one? Is that the problem, I need to tear up the list?

On a more cheerful note, look what I got in the mail a few days ago!


It’s a necklace made by an artist friend, Lori Leissener – a self portrait, reduced in size and made into a charm. I love it!


See how she used the photo of the original painting to make a sheet of note paper? She’s such a clever lady!

The necklace is not only a darling little piece of art, but it makes me feel closer to her. You can find more of Lori’s art by going to her website at

About tatterednworn

I am a woman who has committed to living a creative life.

4 responses »

  1. Awww!! Thanks so much, Janet! I’m so glad you like it. I can’t really take too much credit for the notepad. I got it printed at Shutterfly. πŸ™‚


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