Paper Challenge Day #21 – Happy Birthday To Me!

Remember when I shared with you the the book I had made of the first year of my blog? Well, I was so thrilled with it, I planned to go ahead and do the whole thing, but it’s a little expensive, so I was going to hold off for awhile.

Then a 20% off coupon showed up in my in-box, so I decided to go ahead with doing 2012, which, because I blog so often, needed to be done in two books. The coupon allowed me to get a savings of $40+.

Well, they arrived today! And I just love, love, love them.


I was able to make some changes on the format, all small, but they all improved the finished product. I’m now just a few days away from  having the first book of 2013 ready to go, and I’m hoping I see another coupon!

I’m starting a whole library!


Just in case you’re considering doing books for your blog, the company I used was Blog2print, and you can find them at

I have to tell you, I crack myself up. I am not normally good at tooting my own horn, but I enjoy reading my own writing, and seeing my blog in print and reading it in book form has been a blast. I can only imagine what it must be like to be an actual published author and see your book in print!


Well, today is the day. I am now 61 years young. Who am I fooling?  Old. Good Lord. When did this happen? I swear I have to laugh. I am now 4 years away from getting medicare and it just doesn’t feel real. How can it be possible that I can be this age already? I’m afraid I’m never going to be one of those people who embrace every wrinkle and gray hair. I am not happy about being old. But, I guess it beats the alternative!

AND, because it’ my birthday, I get to chose the restaurant, so we’re going back to Johnny Garlic’s. I can already taste the pesto pasta, the fried artichokes and citrus margaritas. Is it worth having to be another year older? Probably not, but it softens the blow! Ha!

About tatterednworn

I am a woman who has committed to living a creative life.

2 responses »

  1. Happy birthday, my friend. You don’t look 61! No way. Now how. It’s just a number. I read somewhere this week that 60 is the new 30. Ha, I’ll tell my joints that when I get out of bed in the morning. I’ll be 57 tomorrow, and I don’t know how that happened, either! XXXOOO

    • I had no idea our birthdays were right next to each other! Hahahaha! Thanks. I’m tellin’ ya, even with all the aches and pains it seems impossible! XO!



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