Tag Archives: pic stitch

It’s Selphy Time!

No, not selfie, as in a photo taken of oneself, but Selphy, as in Canon Selphy CP910, a little portable photo printing machine.

I bought it a few weeks ago (maybe longer – I lose track of time!) and have had learning to use it on my never-ending list of things to do ever since.


I don’t know why it made it to the top today, but it did.

I’m mildly scared of setting up technology on my own, but I put my big girl panties on and gave it a shot. And was rewarded with actual photos that I printed out by myself!

It prints out both 4×6 and 2×3 photos.

I normally have my 4×6 photos printed at Costco, and they are only 10 cents each. These will be about double that. BUT, I can print them when I want them, so if I have a sudden hankerin’ to do a layout that I haven’t yet ordered the photos for, I can.

However, that wasn’t the selling point. It also prints out the 2×3 size photos, and you can do 4 different photos per sheet for the same 20 cents, vs. 4 of the same photo at Costco for much more.

I haven’t used a lot of 2×3 photos in scrapbooking for that reason. I just buy the 4×6 and crop them. But lots of the photos can’t be cropped without losing critical parts of the photo. And I really don’t NEED full 4×6 photos of a lot of the crazy things I photograph, 2×3 will work fine. In fact, better than fine. It will reduce the number of layouts I need to do. I take SOOOO many photos of the same subject. This will allow me to use a focal 4×6 with a bunch of supporting 2x3s.

I’d like to say it was an original idea, but I’d seen a travel book done by the owner of a local stamping store, and she used all 2×3 photos. It was so cool, and the smaller photos were all that was needed. In fact, her photos were from her trip to Italy, which will be my next project, and MANY of the photos were similar to ones I took, so I got a really good idea of what they would look like in the smaller size.

So, getting back to the set up. It did take a little brain power. I’m a “show me” kinda girl, so I looked for a youtube video, but couldn’t find one that started at the beginning, which left me with either the manual, or locating the cd player and I was too lazy to look for it, so I went with the manual.

I found the phone app I needed (canon iEPP) then got pic stitch for doing collages, and got busy.

The 4×6 was a pice of cake. One try, perfection.



I was very happy with both how easy it was, and the color. So far, so good!

Then I got into pic stitch to set up a collage of 4 2×3 photos. It wasn’t terribly user friendly and I had to muddle through. I probably could have found a video for it, but I just wanted to do what I wanted to do, not learn the whole app, so I winged it, knowing it might be a little bit more frustrating. But, that’s how I roll…if all else fails, follow the directions.

I had 3 loser efforts…



before figuring out that I had to tell the app I wanted the photos to be miniatures of the 4×6, not just a 2×3 section of the 4×6. AND, I had to rotate the photos coming out of the phone. But I thought 3 goofs wasn’t too bad. Finally on #4, I got it. Almost.




I’m pretty sure you can print borderless, but I’ll figure that out next time. For now I have almost 2×3 photos that will fit on a one page layout instead of two.


Just in case you’re wondering why I took these particular pictures – I wanted to show how Lexi reacts to the word no, and how excited Josh was to start his summer workbook (NOT!) Gaga was not their favorite person that day! But all is forgiven, I think!

So. I’m in selphy business, and very happy about it!

Plus I got something crossed off my to do list! Woohoo!